Table Front

Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
id :string Table front ID
class :string Extends the table front class
count_class :string Extends the counter class
search :boolean Is search bar enabled? true
search_input_placeholder :string Placeholder text for the search input field
search_input_value :string Search input value
search_input_icon_wrapper_class :string Extend classes for search input
search_form_class :string Extend classes for search form
search_form_grid :boolean Remove the grid layout of the form
search_input_phx-debounce :integer Debounce for the search input 200
search_input_icon :string FontAwesome icon class for the search input field "fas fa-search"
count :any Shows the number of records of the table below false
selected_count :any Shows the number of selected records of the table below false
count_label :string Label used next to the record count. Will be pluralized. "enregistrement"
form :slot Additionnal form to the table front
inner_block :slot Buttons section, will displayed with a row flex layout right aligned
<.button text="Ajouter" icon="fa fa-plus"/>