Text Input

<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Address" field={:address} placeholder="Please type your address"/>

Your full postal address.

<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Address" field={:address} hint="Your full postal address." placeholder="Please type your address"/>
<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Total price" field={:price} placeholder="How much?" addon="€"/>

this field is in error

<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <% f = %{f | data: %{foo: "bad value"}, errors: [foo: {"this field is in error", []}]} %>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Foo field" field={:foo} force_feedback={true}/>

Step is set to 10

<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Count" type={:number} step={10} field={:count} hint="Step is set to 10" placeholder="Please pick a number"/>

Less than 4 characters

<.phx_form_for for={%{}} as={:story} :let={f}>
  <.text_input_group form={f} label="Password" type={:password} field={:password} hint="Less than 4 characters" placeholder="Please choose a password" icon="fal fa-lock" can_reveal_password/>