Text Input

Step is set to 10

Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
form Form The form structure holding form data.
field :atom The form field key.
name :string The input name.
label :string The input label.
value :string The input value.
placeholder :string The input placeholder.
hint :string An hint to display below the input.
addon :string A short label that will be preprended to your input
icon :string A font awesome icon class that will be prepended to the input.
disabled :boolean To allow input change or not. The default value will not be submitted. false
readonly :boolean Same usage as disabled, but the value will be submitted. false
autofocus :boolean Give focus to this input on form load. false
type :atom The type of the input field. Currently supported types: text, number, password :text
min :integer Minimum number value.
max :integer Maximum number value.
step :integer Increment step.
can_reveal_password :boolean A reveal button is displayed next to password input false