
Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
id :string The component ID
form :any The form around the input group.
field :atom The form field key.
name :string The form field name.
label :string The input label
placeholder :string The input placeholder
hint :string An hint to display below the input
mode :atom Select can be a single or multiple values input :single
options :list Select options can either be given directly with assigns (using options) or be pushed to client when the client is typing (see options_phx_event below). You can also mix both to prevent the "empty list effect" when the select get focus but the user did not type anything yet: you just need to pass a limited set of options to options
options_phx_event :string Name of the phx event that will be triggered to retrieve options as user is typing. The event will be triggered every time user is typing with user input as a value. You should then be returning a structure like this: {options: [{id: 1, value: "option 1"}, ...]}
options_preserve_value :boolean When true, the selected options are fully serialized as JSON in input value attribute. By default value is formatted as a comma separated list of option ids false
options_phx_target :string The LiveComponent or Liveview to send the event to.
value :any The current selected item. Can be a single value, a list of id or a list of options.
disabled :boolean Set to true to disable the input. false
readonly :boolean Set to true to make the input readonly (will be submitted). false
group_class :string Extend input group class
wrapper_class :string Extend input wrapper class
hint_class :string Extend input hint class
enabled_groups :list List of option group ids that are enabled. Related to can_be_disabled_by.
can_be_disabled_by :atom Key used in option to determine if the options is among the disabled options.
validate? :boolean Validate options flag true
rest :global