
Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
color :atom

The dropdown color.

outline :boolean

Default dropdowns are filled with colors, outline buttons aren’t

size :atom

The button size.

Required text * :string

The text to display into the button.

icon :string

The fontawesome class of the icon

href :string

The link to redirect on click.

single :boolean

make it displayed as a single, non splitted, button

id :string
rest :global
class :string

Extends dropdown class

wrapper_class :string

Dropdown wrapping container class

text_class :string

Extends dropdown text class

toggle_button_class :string

Extends dropdown toggle button class

icon_class :string

Extends dropdown inco class

content_class :string

Extends dropdown content class

single_icon_class :string

Extends dropdown single icon class

Required inner_block * :slot

Put here a list of <.dropdown_item/>

<.dropdown_item text="First item"/>
<.dropdown_item text="Second item"/>